Saturday, November 12, 2005


週三緯來日本台44台搞定大小事,是一個很實用的生活性節目看完節目 覺得很不錯 紀錄下來

防小偷妙方 據說把社區失竊率由 80% 降到 30%以下. 還有社區 連續 3年 沒有一戶被偷過...這些妙方 是由一位 改邪歸正的 小偷專家 教導的..果然 只有小偷最了解小偷的心理 和 下手的考量..其中 我覺得 用花盆 和 感應燈 蠻有效的花盆可以美化環境,而感應燈 現在賣的很便宜 很方便做到當然 教孩子們 不要隨便按開樓下大門..也是很重要的.紀錄如下 看看自家做到幾項..還有哪裡要加強..^^

一. 獨棟獨戶房屋防小偷法 
1. 腳踏車別隨意放屋外--代表屋主無戒心,好偷 
2. 圍牆旁別堆積雜物 如舊椅子木箱..等剛好墊腳方便偷 
3. 牆頭上最好放盆栽--妨礙爬牆,不方便偷. 
4. 有院子,靠窗子水管可攀爬部分可鋪上碎石子,走過有聲音小偷最討厭.

二. 公寓大樓住戶 
1. 鐵門內鎖最好加個套子圍起來..可用保特瓶 做妨礙鑽洞開鎖 
2. 白天窗簾也要打開--關上表示沒人在家方便偷 
3. 有人按鈴 說是快遞. 別直接開門--
 要問對方公司名稱 ,送哪戶地址再開門...才不會誤放小偷進來.

ps 兩種住家 都可以做的事 
1. 窗戶上方明顯處 加裝 輔助鎖--要明顯可見 小偷就懶得偷 
2. 面對馬路的窗戶裝鐵窗--明顯可見 小偷也懶得多花功夫偷 
3. 門口明顯可見處 加裝 感應燈--走過就亮 引人注意不好偷.. 
4.種植漂亮 引人注目的花盆栽, 吸引路人目光 小偷也不敢下手.

給社區巡邏隊的建議--請注意目的不是抓小偷 而是讓小偷不來這個社區
1. 巡邏隊穿著 一定要顯眼明亮 最好穿螢光色外套並攜帶鈴鐺 亮光棒..讓搶眼的 聲光效果
讓小偷止步.( 不可穿便服巡邏..小偷只當你是路人 不會有警戒心)
2. 白天也要穿著 明顯外套或臂章 不定時 不定區巡邏讓小偷知道 這是個有安全意識的社區.
可疑車輛是指少見的--外地車牌 ,租車用車牌,未熄火車子,坐車上偷偷打手機的車子.
 多巡邏員不好下手.本文歡迎轉貼轉寄--讓生活更安全 治安維護人人有責

Hard work V.S. good luck

If someone asks that what the element of being successful is, the absolute answer must be always the one – hard work. Why? Because no one’s success is built on the unexpectable base, it means the pyramid foundation of success would not depend on any sudden material – good luck. Therefore, hard work is however the factor of meeting success, but not by good luck. The two main points will be raised as following to illustrate how it goes.

First of all, hard work covers the precious experiences from failures, but not by good luck. People will not become successful overnight; they always have a great deal of sweat and tear on the way to their achievement. They have to face the variety of consecutive challenges while going toward success which can be only resolved by hard work rather than sitting there and waiting for unpredictable luck to come. For instance, do you know how many times of failure experiments Thomas Edison had to do to generate “electricity” – at least thousands of time! It explains that why he contributed his success to ninety-nine percent of hard work rather than one percent of talent. Therefore, we know that from all the positive or negative experiences of hard work people learned how to be successful, but not good luck.

In addition to the priceless experiences from hard work, people success because they keep stable at their hard work which is good luck cannot compete with. The perseverance aiming their goals is the most important ingredient of success. As being successful is just like a long journey to go, we have to keep proceeding without stopping no matter what is going to come across. Not by enduring the suffering from being deaf and keeping moving on, how could Beethoven achieve his greatest masterpiece - Symphony No. 5? It is no doubt that being deaf is definitely a tragedy to a musician, but Beethoven kept working hard and ultimately proved it by the fruitful harvest. In that, no one would still clam that being successful is related to good luck and on one should wait for its coming. Hence, the stability of hard working is the key to success and that is not deniable.

In conclusion, success is no doubt relying on hard work but not good luck. Good luck is just like a sweet break during the long journey on the way to your achievement while you still have miles to go. We can always tell it from the history. Remember this - God is fair to everyone - how much effort you put in to your work, then how much you will gain from it, and how wasteful you spend on waiting for good luck, then you will get nothing in return.

My home area

My home area, “the 3rd Alley”, Taipei, is a very prosperous area in Taipei City where a lot of gangsters and prostitutes live. When people hear of “the 3rd Alley”, they usually respond with an ambiguous look at me, but I always reply to them proudly that it is the loveliest place on this planet. Why? Because there are the friendliest people, the most convenient transportation and a variety of choices of food sold day and night.

First of all, I would like to talk about the decent people who we still keep in contact with 10 years after moving. Most of us managed a small business for a living, and we all took care of one another while someone was unavailable. The fruit stand keeper across from my house sometimes yelled to my father, who ran a laundry and happened not to be at the reception desk, “Hey! Fellow! You got a customer waiting there!” While it was the baseball season, we and Father lying on tatami watched live baseball games with the door opened, so that we could scream at the top of our voices with the neighbors at any given time that there was a hit by our team. My sister and I call it “the good, old days”.

Next, for the convenience of transportation, “the 3rd Alley” is located in the center of Taipei City; therefore, it is not surprising that people are benefited most by its well-developed transportation system. The city buses, stopping within 2 minutes’ walking distance, carry the residents there through the city, or even out of it. They also take them to the train station and the airport for transfers. In addition, by waving or having your hand up, there are taxies available all the time. You may go any place anytime by any transportation facilities you would like to take.

Lastly, but not the least thing good about it, is the variety of choices of food. With different ethnic groups of people living there, “the 3rd Alley” has developed diverse choices of food to satisfy every group of residents there. There are chain restaurants for fast food serving hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken, etc. There are also Chinese-style breakfast stores serving at dawn. There are a bunch of stands near the neighborhood serving at night. Not mentioning the coffee shops and Japanese hop-pot restaurants, from local to exotic, even the most critical gourmet would have their thumbs up.
With the hospitality, the convenient transportation, the unforgettable tasty food and my most precious childhood memories there, “the 3rd Alley” will always be my home area which no other places in the world can compete with.

Friday, November 11, 2005

18% saving interest

For waiving the 18% saving interest from the public officers in Taiwan, I do think it is a fair and righteous deed. Somehow, it makes me angry that there are people even planning to demonstrate to protest the Act. Most of them are educated, I wonder how they will explain that base on what kind of excuses or reasons they can gain such an unreasonable benefit differenting from all the other residents in this island. Are they at the lower level of this society? Are they paid with the unfair wages? Do the others not work as hard as what they did? Isn't it sarcastic for those who ask for fair treament but at the same time enjoy the unfair advantages from the people and take it for granted? What does democracy mean? What does freedom mean in our people's mind? Say and do whatever you want, no matter it hurts others or not? What do you try to show to the next generation? The ones enjoyed the unfair interests for such a long time should giggle that you are not asked for returning what you should not get rather than shamefully brawling greedily!

EFL & ESL website recommendation

雖然這是一個USA build-up的網站, 該網站上標示的適合learner level 不會就剛好適合台灣的學生,但是它包含的東西實在是太多了, 不論是要從事幼教, 兒童美語, 亦或是Junior high都有很多materials可以運用哦! 藉此可觀摩一下別人是怎麼教育其下一代在語言上的學習 ~ 以趣味, 活用的方式替代死記的方式!


LiveABC 互動英語教學網站

因為我目前教的學生是國中生~a critical age all the time! 有時, 我覺得他們有些東西想問又不好意思問 (尤其我是女老師, 成績不好的男學生特別不好意思問!), 但是我真的很想幫他們, 所以, 從上上個星期開始, 我便陸續告訴我的小朋友們一些我在這門課學到的stuff, 如"Learn to read", 我告訴他們, "如果有不會唸的voc.當然最好是問老師, 但是如果又覺得不好意思, 沒關係, 這個網站不但好玩又可以幫你, 如果有空可以上去玩一玩, 看一看, 不需太有負擔!"

因為有部分的學生無法依所看到的音標也好, 更別提自然發音來正確地pronouce該字彙, 就我自己而言, 如果該單字我不會唸, 我會很不容易記下該單字, 也會很虛心, 更不可能在oral時期盼可以自由運用. 現在, 拜科技之發達, digital tech這麼發達, 我想需要的人真的應該好好地利用它們才是! 我認為其所包含的內容是比較適合國中生的, 就Learner Fit來說, 因為其自會與內容並不難, 量恰當, 又很生活化, 對於國中生而言, 應該不會造成太大的負擔, 反之, 如果一個網站包含各方面的知識, 但對他們而言, 根本看不懂, 這可能就失去學習的興趣了!

對了, 在"生活會話"裡還分F(Fast) & S (slow)讓學生選擇audio的速度, 這點蠻understanding的, 因為並不是所有的學生聽力能力都一樣好啊! Well...我想我這個星期會將這個網站介紹給我的學生! 也希望他們會喜歡!


英語好≠國際化 台灣學生缺乏國際觀


英語好≠國際化 台灣學生缺乏國際觀

[聯合新聞網 記者張幼芳/台北報導】








Two new trials

This week, I did two things which I should have done it - I took my mom out for a wonderful aternoon tea-time and went shopping with her. I found that it is not as tough as I thought and it makes me feel good. The relationship between us has been tied for quite a long time and I refused to face it because I felt that it was helpless of doing that. However, I change my mindset and decide to help her out of the dark of losing my father step by step. As long as she is enjoyable toward life, then I could feel confortable and fulfill what I promised to my dad.

Well, for the second, that's for my student- a boy student at the same name with me -Joy, who hates English and of course does not do well at it. I told him after class last night, "Hey, what do you think that having a deal with me, I will tutor you every time 10 minutes only after class. I don't ask you to make a great progress during a short time, but let's expect you make a little progress time by time and every time just 10 points, then after 10 times, you will have 100 or something closing to it. What do you think about it?" You know, he looked at me hesitatedly, "Only ten minutes will be done?" "Yes." "Ok, then I can do it." Wow, you know, when he agreed with me, I felt achievemet alreay - although I have not yet done anything satisfied. However, I will try to let him back to the normal standard as what his classmates are and wish me good luck!