Friday, November 11, 2005

Two new trials

This week, I did two things which I should have done it - I took my mom out for a wonderful aternoon tea-time and went shopping with her. I found that it is not as tough as I thought and it makes me feel good. The relationship between us has been tied for quite a long time and I refused to face it because I felt that it was helpless of doing that. However, I change my mindset and decide to help her out of the dark of losing my father step by step. As long as she is enjoyable toward life, then I could feel confortable and fulfill what I promised to my dad.

Well, for the second, that's for my student- a boy student at the same name with me -Joy, who hates English and of course does not do well at it. I told him after class last night, "Hey, what do you think that having a deal with me, I will tutor you every time 10 minutes only after class. I don't ask you to make a great progress during a short time, but let's expect you make a little progress time by time and every time just 10 points, then after 10 times, you will have 100 or something closing to it. What do you think about it?" You know, he looked at me hesitatedly, "Only ten minutes will be done?" "Yes." "Ok, then I can do it." Wow, you know, when he agreed with me, I felt achievemet alreay - although I have not yet done anything satisfied. However, I will try to let him back to the normal standard as what his classmates are and wish me good luck!

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